Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Here Comes Santa Claus...

Got home from work tonight and remembered, this year, to show Ursa Minor the Norad Santa Tracking website.

He'd been pretty tame for most of the day, but looking through the website put him into a total Santa overdrive.

He wrote another note to Santa, and we set it out with the milk, cookies and oats. He and Mouse arranged the manger beneath the tree. And just before bedtime we all sat on the glider/couch and read "The NutCracker" and "‘Twas the Night before Christmas" out loud.

Silent Night. Holy Night.

I'm not a very religion man. Rumor has it, though, that Santa is bringing Ursa Minor a couple of children's Bibles to peruse. I'm sure in the rush of all of the other presents the books will fall by the temporary wayside. I've only been in a church twice in the past two years, and those times were for the memorial services of my two remaining grandparents.

I miss them

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