Saturday, December 27, 2008

Good weather gone bad.

It's been a pretty snow/ice filled winter so far.

Until this morning.

Appears a warm-up trundled through. And a ton of rain. And with today's temperatures forecast into the low fifties Mouse and I were thinking we could spend a bit of time outside enjoying the tropical heatwave.

We ended up being wrong. When I walked into the basement this morning I stepped into a wet patch in the carpet at the bottom of the stairs. I asked Mouse about it. She had assumed that one of the girls had peed, and Mouse had cleaned up behind the offender.

Turns out it wasn't quite that simple.

Just before Mouse and I were going to head out to do some sitting outside, I went into the laundry room/unfinished portion of the basement. Water was pooled on the floor, trying to reach a drain that had been sealed shut.


Long story (not so) short...

I sopped up what was in the uncarpeted laundry room with cloths, wringing them into a bucket, not knowing where the water was coming from, but hoping for the best. We decided to cut up the portion of carpet at the base of the stairs, conceding that it was probably a lost cause.

When I saw the water begin to again pool where we had cleaned, I decided to look into the crawlspace.

Bad buzz.

Water in the crawlspace over my second knuckle.

I scooped for a little bit with a cup and a bucket, hoping to bail it out. Eventually we borrowed a 10 gallon shop vac from the next-door neighbors. We poured copious gallons of water into the sump pump hole. It was an all day and arduous adventure, and Mouse and I make a great team (and Ursa Minor was wonderfully understanding being cloistered in his room for most of the day).
When the majority of the day was pretty much shot, we returned the shop vac and hoped for the best.

The water seepage into our living space seemed to have subsided.

I always knew that Mouse and I work well together. This day further cemented that fact in my mind. She's incredible. Truly.

0 oinks: